Monday, November 14, 2011

Managing the Madness

It may come as a shock to some people, but I am only human. I say this because most people know me as the "smiley girl who works midnights at Wawa, who then goes home to a houseful of children." I absolutely love my kids, and I truly enjoy my job, but there are times that tubbies and meals and peek-a-boo and hide and seek and dress up and laundry and dishes and vacuuming and mopping and cutting the grass and making coffee and scrubbing the deli at work and walking the dogs and keeping that smile on my face all while trying to keep up my marriage and writing a novel really gets to me. I mean, a girl can only run so far on a pot of coffee.

I write this because it feels good to admit weakness sometimes. It's almost therapeutic. So here is me, lying on the ground with life laying across my chest, tapping out. I am down for the count, at least for today. But tomorrow? Who knows!

I hope good ol' life gives you a break today!


Thursday, November 3, 2011


Yes, it is that crazy time of year once again where writers all over the world try to write an entire novel in just thirty days. Am I going to participate? Absolutely. Am I going to finish my novel in thirty days?

Ha! (picture me rolling on the floor in a fit of hysteria.)

I think the main goal of this exercise is to stretch yourself as a writer, commit more time to actually getting work done. Now this is something I can handle. So happy writing to all who are participating, and good luck to all the agent who will be bombarded next month!

Back to work!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My friend, the delete button...

I can't tell you how many times I've heard- or read- people say that you need to write whatever comes into you head, no matter how bad it is. Regardless of the fact you know you will never use any of it. And I, being the good little "follower" I am, listen. I write whatever crappy idea happens to pop up. That is why no one could ever read my first drafts. I jump from the end, to the middle, the the middle-end, back to the beginning, and so on and so on... Riddled with holes, my pages read more like Swiss cheese.

And stink like Gouda.

The real magic is going through and finding those little jewels hidden in the mud. I think every author has that moment when they re-read their work and think "I wrote that? Really?" Personally, I love it when that happens. It makes it that much easier to sit back down and try to do it better.

My point is, nothing in this life is easy. It all takes time and patience and practice. That, and a heck of a lot of good luck. And now, I'm off to add some more awful ideas to my painfully terrible WIP.

Hooray for progress!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

When life hands you basil...

Sometimes, when things are going too smoothly in my household, my kids will come up with the darnedest things to keep me on my toes. At 5 am, my 3 year old wakes me up after he had a nightmare and wakes up the baby. The three of us snuggle on the couch and fall asleep. At about 8 am, I hear my daughter's door open. And then I fall back asleep.

Five minutes later I wake up to the smell of Italian food, and look up just in time to see my 2 year old little girl standing on a kitchen chair, emptying a bottle of paprika into the fish tank. By her feet are the empty bottles of oregano and basil.

My husband said she was helping me decide what was for dinner. Rest in peace little fish!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where to begin?

I've never been very good at having a real, one-on-one conversation. Blame it on my philosophy as a hermit. I'd be perfectly happy stuck at home with my laughing children and clever husband for the rest of my life, with only the occasional visitor. At least with them, its ok if I'm not witty all the time. As long as I love them- and feed them- my family is satisfied.

I think that's why I love books so much. They talk, I listen. I'm never asked to contribute anything. I just go along for the ride. Besides, my imagination has always been my favorite attribute.

That being said, its pretty easy to see why I adore writing so much. After a full day of diapers, peek-a-boo, cleaning the same rooms several times and preparing meals, there is little better than sitting in front of my computer and letting my imaginary friends do the talking. One day I hope to have my books in print. But for now, I have to put in my time and hone my craft.

Ergo this blog, which will more or less be my public practice journal, where I suppose I'll talk about my endeavors as a parent, and possibly do a book review or two. Just a little something to keep my mind busy during my down time. And who knows? Maybe one day I just might see this one last dream come true.

Happy reading!
