I can't tell you how many times I've heard- or read- people say that you need to write whatever comes into you head, no matter how bad it is. Regardless of the fact you know you will never use any of it. And I, being the good little "follower" I am, listen. I write whatever crappy idea happens to pop up. That is why no one could ever read my first drafts. I jump from the end, to the middle, the the middle-end, back to the beginning, and so on and so on... Riddled with holes, my pages read more like Swiss cheese.
And stink like Gouda.
The real magic is going through and finding those little jewels hidden in the mud. I think every author has that moment when they re-read their work and think "I wrote that? Really?" Personally, I love it when that happens. It makes it that much easier to sit back down and try to do it better.
My point is, nothing in this life is easy. It all takes time and patience and practice. That, and a heck of a lot of good luck. And now, I'm off to add some more awful ideas to my painfully terrible WIP.
Hooray for progress!